Supporting the Future of North Adams
Friends of Notch Forest
"This Matters to Me"
Why Others are Speaking Up
I am a resident of Notch Road.
The road routinely experiences floods and damaging winds during storms after a previous logging project on West Mountain Road. This project jeopardizes our water supply, private property, and our my son's future in the face of climate change.
Logging is not the best management practice on reservoir lands. The science is crystal clear: the purest water comes from a dense, unmanipulated forest.
I am concerned the proposed logging plan will cause more harm to the forest and trail system than good. Much of the forest around the reservoir is moist hillside--easily disturbed by large equipment.
Once trees are cut down, the more mycorrhizal, insect, bacterial, and understory growth is severely damaged. It would take decades for the systems to regenerate, if they do at all.